The Complete Guide to Brand Architecture

The Complete Guide to Brand Architecture

When we develop a particular brand or carry out any branding project, we are often faced with the need to develop it with the utmost care and organization. In order to distribute it well, a plan or a way of arranging it was developed according to what each of it reflected, so in this post, we came to talk about the architect brand.

The notion of brand architecture and its main aspects

Currently, much attention is paid to the creation of the Brand architecture model since the largest companies own many brands, and it is especially important to combine them into a single strategy so that they work together and help each other and do not stand in each other’s way.

The perception of the brand by the consumer, its significance, and its value in the eyes of the audience is formed with the help of various marketing techniques, an important place among which is occupied by architecture.

What is brand architecture framework?

The brand architecture framework is a strategic approach that companies use to organize and structure their brand portfolio, products, and services. The framework helps companies define the relationship between different brands and how they interact with each other.

The elements of a brand architecture framework include the brand hierarchy, brand portfolio, and brand positioning. The brand hierarchy determines how brands are organized within the company, while the brand portfolio includes all of the company’s brands. Brand positioning refers to how each brand is perceived by consumers in relation to its competitors.

There are different types of brand architecture frameworks, such as the branded house, sub-branding, endorsed branding, and hybrid branding. Each framework has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of framework depends on the company’s specific goals and needs.

Working with the brand architecture framework, it is important to decide at the beginning – what this brand will be like from the point of view of these emotions. To simplify the process of identifying brand personality and help companies truly answer the questions of brand architecture, four main aspects that companies can use to build their brand were introduced, and they are the following:

1. Delight.

These include brands that are bold and trendy, contemporary, sassy, or imaginative.

2. Sincerity.

Genuine brands are often more down-to-earth; they can be local or family-oriented and are often very honest and real with their customers.

3. Strength.

Strong brands are bolder and more straightforward than their honest counterparts.

4. Elegance.

Finally, elite brands are often associated with the upper class. They are connected by such things as beauty and femininity.

Brand architecture strategy steps

Here are the steps involved in developing a brand architecture strategy:

  1. Assess the current brand portfolio: The first step is to assess the current brand portfolio and identify any redundancies, gaps, or inconsistencies. This involves analyzing each brand’s market position, target audience, value proposition, and brand equity.
  2. Define the brand architecture framework: The second step is to define the brand architecture framework, which determines the relationship between the different brands in the portfolio. This includes deciding on the brand hierarchy, which refers to how the brands are organized and structured, and choosing a brand strategy, such as a branded house or house of brands.
  3. Develop the brand identity: The third step is to develop a brand identity that aligns with the brand architecture framework. This involves creating a brand name, logo, tagline, and visual identity that reflect the brand’s values, personality, and positioning.
  4. Implement the brand architecture: The fourth step is to implement the brand architecture across all touchpoints, including marketing collateral, packaging, advertising, and digital channels. This ensures that the brand architecture is consistently applied and that customers can easily navigate the brand portfolio.
  5. Monitor and evaluate the brand architecture: The final step is to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the brand architecture strategy over time. This involves analyzing customer feedback, market trends, and brand performance metrics, and making adjustments as needed to ensure that the brand portfolio remains relevant and competitive.

A well-defined brand architecture strategy is essential for companies looking to effectively manage and leverage their portfolio of brands. By following these steps, companies can ensure that their brand portfolio is strategically aligned, differentiated, and resonates with their target audiences.

Building a brand architecture provides important advantages, such as:

  • Reducing the risk of internal competition between brands.
  • Point distribution of financial resources for brand development.
  • Optimization of the role of brands in various product and market contexts.
  • Increasing brand equity at a high pace.
  • Creating a platform for possible future growth.